Coming next
Turbo charge your resolutions with love and compassion using the Sedona Method
4 hours of taking a good look at why we tend to give up or expect to quit
3 amazing coaches/instructors that will show you the way back to your new-year's intentions, action steps or resolutions!
Saturday January 18th from 4pm-8pm CET
You have decided to stick to a diet, go to the gym, be kind and patient all the time or finally finish that painting or write that book.... Lots of plans and positive ideas, and you started enthusiastically on January 1st - and then, somehow, you seem to have lost your drive and motivation.If you want to pick up your enthusiasm and determination again, this workshop is designed exactly for you! Pick yourself up and go for it!
3 amazing Coaches and instructors, certified by Hale Dwoskin, will guide you gently, with humor and enthusiasm, back to what you really wanted for yourself in the first place when it was January 1st. Or maybe even before that...
What if we told you that a few hours of focus on releasing the objections, beliefs and resistance that keep us from attaining our goals can totally transform your energy, so that you will get into the flow again?
Does it sound too good to be true?
Keep reading! Yvonne, Katja and Liesbeth are very experienced 'releasers' and they will guide you from feelings of lack, fear or disbelief to feeling courageous, happy and motivated again!
Saturday January 18th 4pm-8pm CET you Get your act together again!
The program:
Katja Törmänen
Certified Sedona Method Instructor
Find Your Courage and Reach Your Goals
What is it that makes reaching your goals difficult? Fear often plays a big role in keeping us stuck. We can be afraid of not reaching our goals - but we can also secretly be afraid of achieving them. Change can be frightening, even when it's something we want to happen.
Luckily we can notice these fears and let them go, and connect with our courage instead. Join me for this workshop of noticing, acknowledging and letting go of your fears and finding your courage - and living the life you want!
Yvonne Spence
Certified Sedona Method Instructor
It's Okay To Let Go Of Trying To Fix Yourself - even when you make New Year's Resolutions!
New Year's Resolutions can be a fun way to motivate, but we often use them to punish ourselves instead. We want to fix ourselves, thinking that if we can work hard enough, run far enough, eat the perfect diet, and so on, we will be good enough.
What if we allow ourselves to feel okay with who and how we are right now? What if that makes it easier to achieve goals, not harder? In this section of the workshop, we explore ways to motivate ourselves with love and compassion. We'll also discover why these are far more effective motivators than fear and punishment.
(Research shows this is the case, that it's easier when we're self-compassionate rather than self-punishing.)
Liesbeth van Woerden
Certified Sedona Method Coach
Make getting your goals easy, attractive, doable and steady
We usually think we need to think big in order to get our goals and results. But taking small steps and teaching yourself tiny habits is the way to more success!Mark your calendar! You won't regret participating in this workshop!
Letting go will allow you to have more fun and it gives you more energy. This helps you to take your next steps in life and it allows you to notice where you are stuck. When you release the sense that this is really personal and your fault, it will connect you again with your true nature, your own energy and happiness. Doing this in a group is very uplifting and energizing and it will connect you with others.
That's why it's turbo, because you are not alone.
3 Hours of focusing on your goals, intentions, resolutions
Let's get laser focused on your goals! This workshop will be like removing the trash and fallen logs from the river and allowing the river to flow free again, carrying you to your chosen destination much quicker and more effortlessly!
Bring your 'issues' so we can all release together
You are not on your own. We all have the same issues, especially if it's around goals, succeeding, failing, quitting, beating ourselves up and not believing we can make it. We will release all of that in order to focus on courageous action steps!
Do you love yourself enough to do this?
Reconnecting with your goals
What do you get?
- 3 presentations - one from Yvonne, Katja and Liesbeth each
- Group releases, plus lots of time for individual assistance, questions and sharing
- Happy joyful afternoon with like-minded souls
- Connecting with your own creativeness again
- Recordings of the whole event, so you can re-listen and get inspired again and again!